The Council has powers to enable it to control aspects of the demolition of all buildings or structures within the district, except those that are exempt from such control:
- buildings having an external size of less than 50m3 (this volume is less than the average double garage)
- extensions on a larger building that consists of an attached conservatory, shed or garage
- buildings used solely as agricultural buildings and
- work in occupied buildings where it is intended that it should continue to be occupied.
Anyone intending to demolish a building is, in most instances, required to serve a Notice on the Council under Section 80 of the Building Act 1984. The Notice should be accompanied by a location plan.
We will then consult with the relevant parties and where appropriate consent to demolish will be issued together with any conditions, which must be complied with when the demolition is carried out.
It may also be necessary to obtain consent under the Town and Country Planning Act before the building is demolished.